Friday, April 21, 2006

Note To Desdemona From Cassio

Generous Desdemona,

I, Michael Cassio, beseech upon your well-known kindness to convince your beloved husband to reconsider his decision to release me of my post.
Although, dear Othello held me in contempt for my actions I do not hold it against him. My love for him is with out bounds.
The night the devils blood took me and caused me to become the beast you know not. I attacked a man for reasons unknown. In the haze of drink, I attacked my fellow Morano and caused him bodily harm.
I have learned the error of my ways and ask you for your forgiveness. If you could beseech your husband in my favor I shall be forever grateful and in your debt.

All my love,
Michael Cassio

1 comment:

Jessica B said...

HA! reading nicoles comments years later